How to load binary data in Unity3D 五月 06, 2020 0 Comment The first step is to save your binary data file with the ".bytes" extension. Unity will treat...
Unity Physicals Rigidbody with multiple colliders 五月 06, 2020 0 Comment adding colliders changes the center of mass and rotation behaviour of a rigidbody. To set those...
Unity-iPhone has Conflicting Provisioning Settings in XCode 五月 06, 2020 0 Comment 1.Select the top level node called Unity-iPhone in the left tree view (the one with the blue...
Unity Crash for small compressed texture on some Android device 五月 06, 2020 0 Comment I created a full white texture with 4x4 size. Unity requires that compressed texture size should...
Unity3D Graphics Shader Optimization Tips 五月 06, 2020 0 Comment During the last few months, I have been working on the Graphics and shader optimization work. Good...
APOCALYPSE RUNNER 五月 06, 2020 0 Comment In the game you are fleeing from the impending huge wave. You have to use every opportunity...
DEATH PIPE 3D 四月 26, 2020 0 Comment Based on the last version as what "ENDLESS RUN 3D" done, "Death Pipe X" came out. The core play...