

x64 Assembly Programming Tutorial 1 : Getting into x64 ASM from C++

x64 Assembly Programming Tutorial 1 : Getting into x64 ASM from C++

Setup x64 assembly programming in vs2010. The steps as following:
1) Create a empty visual c++ project;
2) Choose "Customize build" from project properties, select "MASM";
3) Add empty c++ source file named "code.asm" , write some code just as following:

GetValueFromASM proc
    mov eax, 1234
GetValueFromASM endp


4) Add C++ source file, write some code like this:
using namespace std;

extern "C" int GetValueFromASM();

int main()
    cout << "ASM value: " << GetValueFromASM() << endl;

    int val;
    cin >> val;
    return 0;

5) build and run the progam.

Note: you need to set up MASM configure first before add any .asm source file. If you have some .asm file, then remove it and add it later.

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